
Strengthen your cyber defences with a targeted Cyber Security Risk Assessment & Gap Analysis. Protect your key assets and evaluate threats.

Technical Assurance

Secure your systems with Ascentor’s vulnerability scanning service. Identify known security exposures, risk levels, and plan security investments accordingly.

Management Systems

Build a comprehensive approach to workplace safety through occupational health management systems with global ISO 45001 accreditation.

Management Systems

Discover how ESOS Compliance can benefit your organization with cost savings, improved energy efficiency, and a competitive advantage.

Management Systems

Discover how an ISO 27001 certification can benefit your organisation, from reduced cyber security risks to increased customer trust.


Empower your team with our effective and comprehensive cyber security training and increase your cyber security from the front line.
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Contact Us

Your cyber security challenges and our pragmatic approach – we could be the perfect fit.
Contact the team at Ascentor for an informal chat.

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