Managed Vulnerability Assessments.

Vulnerability assessments, also known as vulnerability analysis, is a process that defines, identifies, and classifies the security holes (vulnerabilities) in a computer, network, or communications infrastructure.

What are Managed Vulnerability Assessments?

Managed Vulnerability Assessments are a crucial part of maintaining robust cyber security. They form an ongoing process that involves the detection, evaluation, treatment, and resolution of vulnerabilities within your IT systems, including user devices, servers, and applications.

Managed Vulnerability Assessments provide valuable insights into cyber security threats, risks and vulnerabilities that may exist across your IT infrastructure and networks.

  • Vulnerabilities are flaws or weak spots within your IT system that can potentially be manipulated by threats.
  • Threats represent anything that could potentially exploit a vulnerability, such as access by a hacker.
  • Risks occur when a vulnerability is manipulated by a threat, leading to potential harm such as data loss or system damage.

Vulnerability scanning – a key aspect of this process – involves the automated inspection of IT systems and networks for known security weaknesses that could leave your organisation open to cyber threats. Utilising sophisticated software tools, this procedure collates data from your IT systems and cross-references it against a comprehensive database of known vulnerabilities.

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What are the benefits of Managed Vulnerability Assessments

Managed Vulnerability Assessments are the cornerstone of any security testing strategy. Ascentor’s Managed Vulnerability Assessment is designed to identify and address vulnerabilities and system misconfiguration and is suitable for all sizes of organisations and sectors.

Failing to perform these assessments regularly could provide cyber attackers with an opportunity to compromise your IT systems.

Incorporating Managed Vulnerability Assessments into your security framework can significantly enhance security. Acentors’s cost-effective approach helps to minimise information and cyber security risks, and the continuous detection of vulnerabilities ensures proactive resolution before any threats can exploit them. Your organisation also gains improved visibility of threats across the entire IT infrastructure, helping to prioritise vulnerabilities and risks based on cyber security standards.

Our approach system helps support key compliance, governance, and data protection prerequisites such as Cyber Essentials, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, SOC2 and GDPR. Our qualified security specialists are on hand for rapid responses.

Our Managed Vulnerability Assessments are efficient, automated and repeatable, ensuring consistent results and supporting trend analysis and data capture for compliance.

  • Increased system security.
  • Continuous vulnerability detection.
  • Improved threat visibility.
  • Cost-effective risk minimisation.
  • Compliance and governance fulfilment.

Managed Vulnerability Assessments from Ascentor

With Ascentor’s Managed Vulnerability Assessment service, you receive a dynamic, cloud-centric solution tailored for all IT environments, including on-premise, cloud-based or hybrid.

Through deploying endpoint agents and scanners, we guarantee thorough coverage of your environment, irrespective of its scale. This provides you with vital insights into the vulnerabilities affecting your organisation, even when disconnected from your corporate network, supporting workforces with home-based and remote employees.

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